
Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Do you see what I see?

I took Cinderella in for her 4 year old check up yesterday. As part of the routine check-up they also check her vision and hearing. For a while I have been wondering if she was having problems seeing. When I would turn on a movie, she would usually stand right in front of the computer screen. When I would ask her to sit down so that we can all see, she would respond that she couldn't see if she sat down. I didn't know however if she really couldn't see, or if she was just responding that way, because of my choice of words.

Both my husband and I wear glasses and have needed them since we were young children. So I knew that most likely sooner or later my children will probably all need corrective lenses too. When the nurse checked her eyes, she had Cinderella stand back by the door, and cover one eye. Then she stood across the room and held up an eye chart that looked like this one. Of course it was a lot bigger. Cinderella had no trouble discerning the boat at the top. And she kept calling the circle the next line down, an apple. She also doesn't know the name for a cross shape, so she kept calling that one an airplane. Other than that, she would get tripped up on pretty much all the lines after the first two.

The nurse came and showed her the chart up close, and asked her to name different shapes, to verify that Cinderella knew what they were. Cinderella knew the names of all the shapes (except the cross). After that Cinderella tried to remember what had been in certain places when she couldn't discern it. I could tell she couldn't see. And if she had no clue, she would turn to me and ask me what the shape was. Guy knew most of the shapes and wanted to shout them out. I had to try to keep him quiet so that Cinderella wasn't just listening to him.

When the Dr. came in he redid the chart, but didn't have her cover either eye. She still couldn't make out the shapes. The Dr. estimated that her vision is about 20/70 instead of the 20/40 that is average for her age. So now I get to take her in to an eye Dr. on Friday. We will see what that Dr. has to say. But I am guessing Cinderella is going to be getting glasses.


Adam & Brandi said...

She will be so cute in glasses. My niece got glasses when she was 2 or 3 she will be 4 next week. She didn't like them at first but now she seems to be doing better. But she wears hers because she kept crossing her eyes. And I guess this is suppose to help. Either way, I want to see pictures when she gets the new glasses in.

Jenni said...

I love glasses on little kids! Plus, I'm guessing it will help things out around home, knowing what she actually can/can't see. :)

Adam & Brandi said...

Ahhhh...I bet she is going to be darling! I can't wait to see her new specs!


The Osborne Family said...

BUMMER! Even if you expect they'll need glasses at some point, you hope it will be later in life and not sooner. I bet she'll love her new accessories, though. =)