
Saturday, October 26, 2013

Sleeping arrangements

What kind of sleeping arrangements do you have for your children on a regular basis?  Our girls share a room, and currently they share a bed.  Tuis is an issue of discontent as far as Aurora is concerned.   She wants her own bed.
Do any of your children share beds?  If they do how do you handle this kind of issue?


Rose said...

In our home, all of our children have separate beds, but sometimes they share a room. Occasionally they have chosen to share one of the twin beds, and I let them (as long as both are the same gender and agreeable to the arrangement).

Melissa said...

I think every kid should have their own bed if possible. Sometimes I had to share a bed with my sister when we were kids and I hated it because she wiggled and kicked a lot in her sleep. Right now my girls have separate rooms but when we have another baby then Bailey will get kicked out of the nursery and go share a room with Rachel. Our house only has three rooms so eventually our family will outgrow the space and we will have to move.