When I was younger my mother used educational place mats. When I bought a nice tablecloth a few months back, I followed her example and bought some for us to use, and hopefully keep the tablecloth looking nicer longer.
One of these place mats shows American Presidents.
Cinderella has enjoyed learning the different names of the presidents, and will often ask questions, or quiz us on them. IE. Who was the 25th President?
Well this morning she had been looking at the place mat and came to me saying, "Did you know there were two presidents with the name Harrison? I am really familure with Benjamin Harrison, because one of my favorate movies is "The One And Only, Genuine, Original Family Band" which takes place during the election between Grover Cleveland and Benjamin Harrison. I found myself trying to think of what the other Harrison's name was. I thought William, no I know wasn't Ford's first name Harrison. Harrison Ford, that sounds right. So I told Cinderella that. She went and looked. No it is William H. Harrison. So then I told her that Ford's first name was Harrison too. She went and looked and came back. By this time I remembered that the president Ford, was Gerald Ford, to which she informed me was correct. So then I was thinking, who is Harrison Ford. Then I remembered.
Silly me. How well do you know the presidents?
On the note of presidents I thought I would share another funny antic dote that happened lately. The other night we took the kids out for Pizza. At the restaurant there was a television showing basketball. Cinderella looked at it and asked, "Is that Obama?" I told her no, Obama doesn't play basketball. She then asked me what he plays. I told her politics. She then asked, "What is politics? Is that lying? Politics and Advertisements are kind of the same. They are both just different words for lying." Oh the mind of an 8 year old.
I don't know the presidents very well at all. Good idea to help everybody learn a little!
And I love that story about politics and advertisements. Nailed it.
First, you have mommy brain (or you subcinciously want to see Ender's Game).
Second, Cinderella is a genius! She'll probably end up a lawyer. But not the kind who goes into politics.
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