
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Crazy Day

Today was a rather crazy kind of day.  It was kind of an off day for most if not all of the family.  This morning Guy wasn't interested in getting ready for school, and it wasn't until it was time to leave that he decided he should get dressed.  I am guessing they were probably late for school.  

Aurora was very insistent that she was not going to wear a jacket this morning.  All I did was hand it to her, and then she started screaming at me that she's not wearing a jacket today!  She then threw her jacket onto the sidewalk, where I picked it up and tucked it into the bottom of the stroller.  I didn't tell her she needed to wear it, but she screamed and kicked at me all the way to preschool.  Then when we got there, she refused to stay.  She was screaming and crying when I left.   When she got home later, had her lunch, and wanted to play the computer (her normal routine), I told her no.  I told her I didn't like the way she acted this morning, she wasn't nice to Mommy or her teachers.  And because she acted like that she doesn't get to play the computer.  She then cried and screamed at me, about how she is "GOING TO PLAY THE COMPUTER TODAY!"  I just got myself some lunch, rotated the wash, and folded clothes.  I would occasionally acknowledge her feelings, but I never gave in.

Then this afternoon, Cinderella wasn't feeling well, and that might have been part of it.  But we went to pick up the Hubs from work, and he wanted to go to a local dinosaur museum.  However both Cinderella and Guy had ignored me telling them to get their shoes, and got in the car with bare feet.  Needless to say, we couldn't go to the museum.   Cinderella screamed at us the whole way home, about how unfair we were that we wouldn't go home, get her shoes and then go back to the museum.  When we got to our neighborhood, I had gotten tired of her screaming, so she and the hubs got out of the car, and walked the rest of the way home.

I am not sure if this is all due to the changes in parenting that I am trying to make, or if there are other factors involved here.  But lets just say it was kind of crazy.

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