
Wednesday, February 13, 2008

One Long Night

Last night we got the kids to bed by 8, and our selves to bed by 9:30. My husband needed to be to work this morning by 7:30 so we tried to make sure that we would get enough sleep. Man, am I glad that we got to bed when we did.

At about 12:00 I was awakened by Cinderella screaming hysterically. My husband went to see what was wrong, and when she didn't seem to be settling down I went and joined them. Because she and Guy share a room, I picked her up and moved her to the living room, hoping she wouldn't wake him up.

I tried giving her a drink, but that didn't work. We tried her plug. She doesn't take it to bed any more, just naps, but it is still a comfort object. That didn't work either. I asked her if she needed a pull-up change. Still no change in her behavior. I finally told her that if she didn't calm down and talk to me, I wouldn't know how to help her. Finally she calmed down enough to let us know that her tummy hurt. We took her temp, and saw that she didn't have a fever. She said she didn't need to throw up. Her only symptom that we could diagnose was the tummy ache.

My husband gave her a priesthood blessing, and we called a 24 hour nurse on the phone hot line. The nurse told us that we needed to take her to get her looked at. By this time she had calmed down and we agreed that if she had another episode during the night we would take her to the ER, otherwise we would wait until morning when we could take her to the Dr. office. The nurse seemed to accept this plan, and we set about getting her settled back down.

Because my hubby needed to get up early I told him to go back to bed, and I bedded down on the couch with Cin. After about 45 min, she told me she was ready to go back to her own bed. By this time Guy was also awake and bouncing around his crib. I got Cin, settled back down, and my hubby came and moved Guy to the other room so that he could maybe go back to sleep.

Then at about 3:00 I awoke again to Cin screaming. When we went in there she said between sobs "Mama, I can't sleep." We decided we better take her to the ER. A brain doesn't function the best at 3:00 AM, and I couldn't think of any one to call to take Guy, so we bundled him up and took him with us.

We got to the hospital at about 4:00, and then went through a crazy ordeal. It is so hard to be a parent and watch your child suffer. Especially when you have to hold them down so that nurses and doctors can do thing they really don't like.

By about 9:00, after a CT Scan, a catheter, an IV, and a drink that she really didn't want to drink, we were finally told we could go home. As far as they could tell nothing really serious was going on. We should go to her Dr. for a follow up in 24 hrs. And other than that it was probably something viral. Needless to say my hubby didn't make it to work by 7:30.

Anyway it was a crazy morning. I just hope it is a LONG time before I have to take another child to the hospital. It wasn't a fun experience.

1 comment:

Hill said...

ER trips are never fun...We took Tyler once because we thought he swallowed a marble. We were in Kirtland, OH at the time. He was fine, just tired of being in the van driving across the country. We took Jenna when she was 8 months old. She swallowed a button battery and we needed to see if it was stuck. It wasn't and we are glad that her digestive system is REALLY FAST or she could have had serious problems.
My advice - keep everyting small off of the floor and out of older kids hands!