So today we went to Costco to return Cinderella's Easter Dress. Yes, they took it back no questions asked. While we were there we picked up a few items we have been needing, and one of the things I got was a box of strawberries.
Well my children love strawberries. Both of them. I cut up 6 large strawberries for the 3 of us to share with our lunch. Cinderella and Guy were both eating before I started, and so they had all their portion of strawberries eaten, while I still had a large pile on my plate. Cinderella asked for some more, and I told her they were all gone. She pointed to my plate and said, "there's some." So I explained to her that these were my strawberries.
Then Guy finished his strawberries, and pointed to the bowl where the strawberries had been, and started grunting. I held up the bowl to show him they were all gone. He then pointed to my plate and said "num, num, num" indicating that he too thought he should have some of my berries.
Once again I launched into my explanation that these were mama's berries, and that they had already eaten theirs. They seemed to accept this explanation, and then Cinderella turned to me and asked, "what's a family about?" (OK so this isn't the first time she has asked this question, and the last time she was just being silly, because I had the camcorder on. She told me a family was about a cup.) Well I guess this time it got me thinking. My response was, a family is about caring and sharing. Then I realized, I wasn't sharing my strawberries. So I picked up a few pieces and gave some to each of the kids, as she continued to tell me that a family is about a cup.

Cinderella has been greatly interested in princesses lately, particularly "Cinderella". Go figure. Anyway, Cinderella has a glass slipper right? Well so does my Cinderella. Only hers aren't really glass. So lately she keeps asking me what different things are made of, and if they are made of glass. "Is the car made of glass?", "is the cup made of glass?" "is the block made of glass?" ..... etc. Well yesterday was the first time I have heard her ask is something was made of something other than glass, and I found it quite funny.
Cinderella: "Mama, are you made of jam?"
Mama, very puzzled as to what is really being asked and where it came from: "Am I made of jam?"
Cinderella: "Yeah, are you made of jam?"
Mama: "No. Are you made of jam?"
Cinderella: "No. Are you made of peanut butter?"
Mama, really puzzled now: "No, are you made of peanut butter?"
Cinderella: "No. Are you made of peanut butter and jam?"
Mama, laughing:"No, and I think you are being silly." Then I started to tickle her and that stopped the conversation.
Cinderella: "Mama, are you made of jam?"
Mama, very puzzled as to what is really being asked and where it came from: "Am I made of jam?"
Cinderella: "Yeah, are you made of jam?"
Mama: "No. Are you made of jam?"
Cinderella: "No. Are you made of peanut butter?"
Mama, really puzzled now: "No, are you made of peanut butter?"
Cinderella: "No. Are you made of peanut butter and jam?"
Mama, laughing:"No, and I think you are being silly." Then I started to tickle her and that stopped the conversation.
Cinderella is learning how to pray. It is so amazing to me to hear the prayer of a child, when they aren't being prompted. There are a few things she has prayed for that really make me think, and some that have really touched me. Here are a few.
- One night she said she was thankful for the Lamanites. (A group of people talked about in the Book of Mormon, who Latter Day Saints believe resided on the American Continent, and are the ancestors of the Native Americans).
- Another day I was having a challenging morning, and when I asked her to say the prayer for lunch, she prayed "help mama to get some quiet time." That one really touched me.
- She also prays quite frequently for our Prophet, President Monson.