
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Out of the mouth of a six year old

So the other day, I was having a bit of a day.  I hadn't gotten much sleep the night before, and then had spent my morning working, while Buddy was sleeping.  I had worn myself out.  I got Aurora down for a nap, fed Buddy,  then planned to take a nap.  However, as sometimes happens with babies, because he had slept all morning, he was no longer tired, and didn't want to sleep.  By the time he was ready to sleep again, Aurora was awake, and she and Guy were wanting my attention.  I had gotten Buddy to sleep in the swing, and didn't want to leave the living room to go lay down, so I decided to see if I could take a nap on the couch.  However Aurora and Buddy, kept coming and trying to either get my attention, or interact with Buddy.  And being tired, I wasn't in the mood to handle it.

This happened on a day when Daddy was still home from work on his paternity leave, and so I went to the garage, where he was working.  He asked if I needed something, and I told him I did.  He then came inside, and I broke down, and started complaining about my sleep deprivation and being tired.  At this point Cinderella piped up with, "Maybe we shouldn't have 5 babies.  Maybe 4 is all you can handle."  I guess she had told Daddy earlier that week that we should have 5 babies.  I guess she changed her mind.

1 comment:

Rose said...

Hahaha, that's too funny. Hang in there. You'll get the swing of things!