
Thursday, September 17, 2009

My baby who doesn't sleep. At least not when she is supposed to.

So Sleeping Beauty, loves to sleep. During the day. At night time, she would rather be awake. I know this is common for babies, but that doesn't make it any easier to deal with.

The other day she went 7 hours in the morning between feedings. But at night she goes 3-4. And she isn't necessarily asleep between those feedings. Some might say, don't let her go that long during the day. Well the idea is good. It just doesn't necessarily apply. If I try to feed her as often during the day as she eats at night, she will often just nurse for maybe 5 min, then look at me and smile. Hence, she isn't really that hungry.

At night I feed her and put her back in bed. She sometimes will sleep three or four hours. But often she sleeps about an hour, and then she is awake, and crying. So I find myself stumbling out of bed to give her back her pacifier. This will sometimes coax her back to sleep. Sometimes. More often than not it seems she spits it out 5 min later, and I have to go put it back in. Hence I don't get much sleep.

Last night my husband suggested that we just let her cry it out, and see if she would put herself back to sleep. So we tried. She screamed for at least 2 hours, until it was time to eat again, and then she only calmed down when I fed her. And of course by that time it was time for me to get up for the day. So I am thinking that at least at this point in the game, crying it out isn't going to work for her.

So do any of you have any suggestions? I am so exhausted. But for me to sleep, she needs to sleep.


Rose said...

All of my kids were good sleepers most of the time. I made sure that they were awake every 3 hours during the day eating. Or, if they weren't hungry, doing something else stimulating. Then I'd swaddle them up tight at night... and if they woke up.. yep, I'd let them cry it out... but if it got to the point of being about 30 minutes of them crying non-stop, I'd get them up... take care of business, and put them back to bed.

Although there are some points in time where they go through growth spurts and will get up at night to feed as well, and this may be one of those times. You can do it!

Adam & Brandi said...

Julie I am saddened to hear this. I really don't like hearing about my friends babies not sleeping well, when I have an ANGLE who sleeps between 7-9 1/2 hours everynight. Then is only up for 10 minutes and back down for 2 more hours. And she wakes up HapPy! Of course though, who wouldn't with that much sleep? So really I have no advise and I probably shouldn't have even shared this piece of information with you. Sorry.

Nikki Nelson said...

I've had friends tell me about a book called, The Baby Whisperer. Maybe check it out at the library or something. They've all raved about it! I haven't had a problem with babies sleeping in a long time. And I don't think I'd have any advice that you wouldn't have already known or tried.