
Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Diving Board

So we have had the kids in swimming lessons this summer. Cinderella has been loving it, she is like a fish. She loves to go under the water, and she loves swimming. In the shallow water that is.
A couple days ago, her teachers took her class to the deep end. They had all the kids in life jackets. But the water being that deep, just terrified Cinderella. She will go in the water, and on that day, she let one of her teachers drop her off the diving board to where the other teacher waited below. However since that day, every time her class goes to the deep end, she refuses to go off the diving board. She will get on it, but as she gets toward the end, and sees how deep the water is, she gets scared and backs off.

I really can't blame her too much. I don't like the diving board either. 2 of my biggest fears are water over my head, and heights. So combine them together with a diving board, and I just don't like it. Oh well I guess we all have our fears, and maybe one of these times she will get over her fear.

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