
Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Does anyone read anymore?

Cinderella had her first saddening experience with school this time around.  It isn't terrible news, it could have been a lot worse.  It isn't even necessarily public school related, other than that is where the incident occurred.   It is just a little disappointing.

Cinderella came home from school yesterday and informed me that in one of her classes they were divided into groups to pick a movie and act out some scenes from it.  They would be recorded and then the whole class would watch the recordings.  Yesterday they were selecting what movie to use.   The group that Cinderella was in listed a bunch of movies.  Most of them are based off of books that Cinderella has read, but she hasn't seen the movies.  

When her group members heard she hadn't watched any of the movies, they told her she needed to go home and watch like 30 movies.  Cinderella told them that would be hard, because we don't have any PG-13 movies in our home.   The kids were shocked at this.  They were shocked that my 11 year old has never even seen an R rated movie.  Cinderella was shocked that they had. 

Cinderella then asked them "What ever happened to reading books?"  She was told "Welcome to 2016, people don't read anymore."  Cinderella's response was, "What a sad, sad existence."

-Please note this is written based on what I remember Cinderella telling me.  All may or may not have happened quite as described.

1 comment:

Corinne said...

Wow. Well said, Cinderella!